Please see below important information from the crèche company
We can accommodate children from 8 months up to 12 years old.
We will not be able to administer any medication to children but parents are welcome to do this themselves. Parents or guardians must be at the venue at all times as we are not permitted to care for any children unless their parent or guardian is on site and contactable E.G., by phone. Parents or guardians are asked to provide nappies, talc/cream and wet wipes if they would like us to change their child's nappy. Alternatively, we can call the child's parent or guardian whenever their child needs a nappy change. We will provide a change mat.
Please advise us of any special needs that any of the children have as we may not be able to care for them or may require additional staff. We will not be able to accept any children on the day that have special needs if additional support is required.
We are unable to accept any children suffering from an illness or infection into the crèche. Parents or guardians will be solely responsible for the care of their ill or infectious child. Parents or guardians will be advised if their child is ill whilst in the crèche, they will be asked to collect their child for their sole charge. This includes a cough, cold, high temperature and/or if the child is feeling generally unwell