ME and MEO Hub

Coming soon!

We have set up an online community platform as a space for members to share ideas and information. Whether you’re a medical examiner (ME) or a medical examiner officer (MEO), we encourage your active participation and collaboration.

We recognise the immense potential of a robust online member community platform. 

Why does an online community platform matter?

  • Sense of belonging: By fostering an active online community, we aim to strengthen members’ sense of belonging. Connecting with peers, sharing insights, and participating in discussions can create a supportive environment where members feel valued and connected
  • Enhanced connection: The platform provides a space for meaningful interactions. Members can engage with each other, collaborate, and access relevant resources. Whether it’s discussing roles or seeking advice, this digital hub facilitates valuable connections
  • Responsive support: Through timely updates, webinars, and tailored content, we can demonstrate our commitment to supporting members throughout their professional journey
  • Knowledge exchange: An active community encourages knowledge sharing. Members can learn from each other, stay informed about industry trends, and contribute to ongoing developments.

Forthcoming video room discussions

Join the conversation

We invite you to explore our online community, participate in discussions, and contribute to the growth of the community. Please send us an email to request joining the hub: [email protected]