6 June 2022

This is your chance to celebrate the amazing work of pathology teams.

To celebrate excellence in pathology practice and to promote high standards in pathology education, training and research to deliver the best patient care, the College (RCPath) launched the RCPath Excellence Awards in 2019 (now known as the RCPath Achievement Awards).

This year the College's Nomination Committee agreed a new set of the criteria for the awards, moving from individual to team awards, in recognition that great healthcare is almost always the result of strong teamwork. 


`2022 marks the College’s Diamond Jubilee and to celebrate the hard work, innovation and enterprise of pathology teams, we will be awarding four RCPath Achievement Awards to teams who have achieved above and beyond what would be expected in their usual course of their work.

This could be through quality improvement activities, setting up new services, innovation in service delivery, reaching new patient groups, or in educating and training staff and students.'

Mike Osborn Jan 2021.jpg
Professor Mike Osborn Past President, 2020–2023


The closing date for nominations is Monday 11 July. The awards will be presented at the College's Annual Dinner on 8 September. 


How to nominate 

Teams can nominate themselves but only College members can nominate. For the full set of criteria and the nomination form, please visit RCPath Achivement Awards 2022. 

If you have any queries, or need more information, please email: [email protected]