In 2022, as part of our 60th anniversary (Diamond Jubilee) celebrations, we will be holding a number of Living Autopsy events across the UK.

Autopsies: Past, Present and Future 

Originally known as a ‘Virtual Autopsy’, this event was developed by consultant histopathologist, Dr Suzy Lishman CBE. It is a live audience-based event with one main pathologist presenter and a model playing a ‘dead body’. It takes attendees through the process of a post mortem examination, and involves showing the real instruments used during the procedure. It also explains the role of pathologists in hospitals, and what circumstances would lead to a post mortem being required for someone who has died.

This core content has been enhanced with additional themes, stories and visuals to bring in historical or other factors that are relevant to post mortems, disease and/or the venue or audience of the event.

Find out more and sign up for the national and regional events at

If you have any queries, please contact [email protected]

  • 14:00 - 24/02/2022 to 31/12/2022
  • United Kingdom