- 08:30 - 24/11/2022 to 16:10 - 25/11/2022
- Royal College of Pathologists, 6 Alie Street, London, E1 8QT, United Kingdom
Scientific and practice update, on this occasion providing reviews of the two recently published lymphoma classifications.
International experts and leading authors of the two recently published classifications of lymphomas will provide detailed reviews followed by a round table discussion. Other presentations would include a report of the British Society for Haematology survey of haematological malignancy diagnostic services in the UK, a report on validation of mutational NGS panels for lymphoma diagnosis and haematopathology EQA.
The updates and scientific content of this meeting will be useful for all professionals participating in diagnosis and management of haematological malignancies including haematopathologists, oncologists, haematologists and allied scientists. This meeting will also be beneficial for trainees committed to subspecialist career in haematopathology.
- Dr Ayoma Attygalle, London, UK
- Dr Tom Butler, London, UK
- Prof German Ott, Stuttgart, Germany
- Prof Leticia Quintanilla-Fend, Tubingen, Germany
- Dr Lihui Wang, Liverpool, UK
- Dr Geetha Menon, Liverpool, UK
- Prof Stefan Dojcinov, Swansea, UK
- Dr Andrew Wotherspoon, London, UK