Dr Denis Wirtz will give a lecture entitled: 'CODA: 3D Multi-omic mapping of healthy tissues and tumors at single-cell resolution'.


Dr Wirtz will present and discuss CODA, a new artificial intelligence-based platform that can map large volumes of healthy and diseased tissues in 3 dimensions and at single-cell resolution. CODA is a workflow that includes the high-resolution local and global registration of serially cut tissue sections, a trained and tested deep-learning algorithm that segment tissue components and a highly accurate single-cell detection scheme. CODA is versatile: I will demonstrate CODA-based atlas creation of organs and tumors of different types - including pancreatic, ovarian, and breast cancer - and from different species – including human, mouse, and rhesus macaque monkey, even whole organisms containing tens of organs. CODA produce digital maps that provide the (x, y, z) coordinates of millions of cells and their subtype at scale. I will also show how CODA can be integrated with other omic techniques, including Immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunofluorescence, cyclic immunostaining, spatial transcriptomics, and DNA sequencing to spatially resolved map the mutational landscapes and cell populations in precursor lesions and tumors and their neighboring stromal space.


Pathologists of all level


Dr. Wirtz directs the Johns Hopkins Physical Sciences-Oncology Center and co-directs the Cancer Nanotechnology Training Center, both National Cancer Institute-funded entities.

For more information, please contact: [email protected]

  • 15:00 - 13/12/2023 to 16:00 - 13/12/2023
  • Virtual event, United Kingdom