From the Editor

From the Editor

Welcome to the October Bulletin, with the huge milestone of transition to the electronic format now behind us. I am pleased to say that the feedback so far has been great and we hope to continue to make the Bulletin as reader friendly as possible.

From the President

From the President

Thank you first for allowing me to represent you. It has been a huge privilege to get to know you and your work in even greater depth, and to work with you to support our profession. I have never failed to be awed by the skill and dedication of those who work across all our disciplines in pathology. Your commitment and sheer grit has been amazing. 

Organ donation and transplantation

Organ donation and transplantation: it’s not just about SARS-CoV-2

Professor John Forsythe highlights the expertise and teamwork essential for successful organ donation and transplantation, addressing some of the challenges of the pandemic but also looking into the future.

Organ transplantation and transmissible infectious diseases: old and new challenges

Infectious diseases are a complex area in transplantation. This article will focus on the microbiological aspects of deceased organ donor characterisation and its role in minimising harm to recipients from unintended transmission of infection.

Organ donation without compromising death investigation

The Coroner (in England and Wales, and Northern Ireland) and the Procurator Fiscal (PF; in Scotland) have a judicial responsibility to investigate certain deaths. As such they have authority over the body while inquiries are made. Therefore, though they cannot ‘consent’ to organ or tissue donation, they can refuse permission.

Histopathology and organ donation

Histopathology expertise is essential to support timely decision making around transplantation of donated organs. This article highlights the need for developing a national on-call service to support this.

Horizon scanning in H&I to support transplantation

Histocompatibility and immunology expertise is essential for supporting safe organ donation and transplantation. This article highlights areas for further development.

Organ Donation: introducing Max and Keira's Law

A milestone in the future of organ donation and transplantation was marked on 20 May 2020 when Max and Keira’s Law introduced opt out as the legal basis for consent for deceased organ and tissue donation in England.

The UK Living Kidney Sharing Scheme: what difference does it make?

Lisa Burnapp describes the achievements of the internationally renowned UK living kidney sharing scheme that is life saving for adults and children awaiting a transplant. 

How I gave a kidney to a stranger

Tony Brown gives this highly personal and vivid account of his experience and motivation for becoming an altruistic kidney donor.

President Elect interview

Dr Mike Osborn: an interview with our President Elect

Dr Mike Osborn will become our 20th President on 19 November at our 2020 AGM. In this interview, I asked Mike what attracted him to pathology and what his aspirations are for the College as he takes the helm during these unprecedented and challenging times.

Full issue

Full Bulletin download

Download the full October 2020 issue.