7 July 2023

The winning tweet in our NPW Twitter Competition highlights the role of both human and veterinary pathology teams in patient care.

We're excited to announce the winning tweet in our #PathologistsAndPatients Twitter Competition, which ran during National Pathology Week 2023.

We challenged our members and their teams to tweet a photo or short video that portrayed our theme, ‘Pathologist and Patients. We received some fantastic entries from around the UK.  

The judges were asked to score the entries against three criteria:

  1. Relevance to ‘Pathologists and Patients’ theme
  2. Originality 
  3. Ability to engage healthcare professionals and wider audiences about pathology and its importance (including how striking the image/video is, and how thought-provoking the message behind it is).

The entry that received the highest overall score was from Healthcare Scientist and microbiologist, Victoria 'Kip' Heath, who is based at Great Ormond Street Hospital. Her winning tweet featured photos of her kitten Amber and she mentioned both veterinary toxicologists and her own role as a microbiologist in her winning post.

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© Kip Heath @miceheath

On hearing the news of her win, Kip said: ‘I’m really glad I could do a small part to raise the profile of veterinary pathology. They’re even more hidden than our NHS pathology laboratories but their role is so important. We had prolonged contact with the veterinary pathologists when Amber had growths in her bladder alongside a drug resistant urine infection. I’m used to seeing urine screens as a microbiologist but it’s much harder to get a sample from a cat!’

Kip has received a £100 restaurant voucher to share with colleagues as her prize.

We'd also like to share some other highly commended entries - tweets from Harvey's Gang and Scarborough York Hull Pathology Service, and to thank everyone who took part. 

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© @SHYPS_pathology
© @Laird_Admiral