Yorkshire and the Humber PERCs

In recent years, the College has recognised the importance of explaining its work and the work of pathologists to the wider public, through the establishment of the Public Engagement programme.

The programme has been a great success and to maintain momentum we have recruited Public Engagement Regional Coordinators (PERCs), to work with the College’s Director of Engagement and Publishing and the Public Engagement Manager, as well as their regional Council in delivering the programme successfully across the UK. The PERC role is a voluntary position and helps provide support to those organising events in their region.

Public Engagement Regional Coordinators (Yorkshire and the Humber)

  • Dr Sam Chilka

    I’ve learned that the public are fascinated by pathology, especially when they discover the central role that all branches of pathology play in patient care. I aim to help pathologists and scientists communicate the importance of their work. I’d like to encourage participation in public engagement by as many individuals and pathology departments as possible, and in particular I would like to foster new and innovative ways of promoting our fields of expertise to the wider public. I hope that public engagement in the region will grow to be even better and more diverse than it already is, and I’m keen to hear from and assist anyone wishing to take part.
    Email: [email protected]