Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics

The examination assesses whether trainees in Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (H&I) have acquired the requisite highly specialised scientific knowledge, clinical skills, laboratory skills and attitudes required to:

  • Advise on donor/recipient compatibility for transplantation
  • Provide a risk assessment for transplantation in relation to H&I factors
  • Advise on the relevance of HLA type to disease diagnosis and patient management.
  • Provide H&I related advice relevant to the treatment of patients with blood products.
  • Professionally direct a diagnostic H&I laboratory service.

Part 1

H&I Part 1 Examination

Introduction and Format

H&I Written Examination

Part 2

H&I Part 2 Examination

Introduction and Format: Part 2

H&I Written Project

H&I Practical Examination

H&I Oral Examination