Examination Performance Reports

The FRCPath examination constitutes a summative assessment of the candidate’s knowledge of their specialty and their ability to apply that knowledge in the practice of the specialty.

The FRCPath Part 1 examinations aim to test theory, to determine whether an individual has successfully acquired a core body of knowledge that will underpin their ability to practise in their chosen specialty.

The FRCPath Part 2 examinations are designed to test candidates’ ability to apply scientific and clinical knowledge appropriately and safely to the practice of their specialty. They comprise practical elements and in some cases written tests and oral examinations. In certain specialties candidates must also submit a separate written component (dissertation, casebook or portfolio) before award of Fellowship.

These performance reports present summary information about FRCPath exam performance broken down by specialty, by UK and Overseas centres, and by attempt. Up to two years' (four terms') worth of information will be available at any one time.* We aim to publish reports within six weeks of the release of results of the relevant term. 

*Please note that there is no data available for the Spring 2020 examinations which were deferred due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.